FictionPress.Com Story : Another dimension of the Conquest

                                The new Overlords of Earth:

          Descended from an ancient saurian breed from the Pleiades star system, the Hurrions resembled a warm-blooded version of the lizard family.


          Most weren't much taller than humans, extremely thin, seemingly without shoulders. With large angular head and orange rust- colored eyeballs, a Hurrion stare had to look intimidating.


          Pupils in their eyes were seen as vertical slits and ebony dark, evil looking alien lizards having a snakelike stare. Another eerie slit above the mouth served as nose, the mouth seemed another narrow line drawn below it.

          A complex breed without well-defined ears, their ears consisted of small openings on the side of their angular reptile skull. Hurrions communicated mostly through use of telepathy, but did have a written language for record-keeping purposes.


          As human cinema art became more known in Hurrion popular culture, most citizens of their far-flung interstellar empire became aware of human limitations, as a race of primate mammals depending almost solely upon oral speech for face-to-face communication.

          'Linear and slow voices' was the Hurrion translation for such oral speech; Hurrion 'voices' were what most humans would call telepathy. Once a large number of the educated Hurrion populace was literate, but their 'voices' were able to channel data and even entertainment more efficiently.


          Abducted humans like Walter came to learn more about this alternate civilization during their enforced exile from planet earth. Many human refugees were relocated farmers and ranchers with their families, pork producers and others rescued from economic dislocation from a revitalized Islamic medieval planet.

          This reptilian race of crafty aliens easily managed to erase centuries of scientific discovery and secular philosophy by clever displays of cosmic miracles. It was a bold tactic of psychological warfare designed to resemble the second coming of God.


          An Islamic deity rising with a vengeance - supposedly to erase the 'demonic blasphemy of human aviation. Even respected scientists cannot refute the evidence of potent alien power closing down on a spiritually bankrupt human race in defiance of Allah himself and his'natural laws'.


          The result was a religious firestorm of Islamic conversion in the once cynical western world. Godly force crafty aliens from space could exploit to confuse the hapless human soul, a cosmic force that struck from another dimension.

          Human beings can glimpse other dimensions by noticing some of their effects, gravity and light. Akin to electricity, the flow of electrons moving around the atom was the driving force that propelled verbal communications on earth into a speed of light medium.


        Radio waves, x-rays and light were some examples of electro-static and electro-magnetic lines of force, the portal to this other dimension. It was the same form of energy that drove nuclear power plants on earth, fission, atomic instability tamed for human use.

        There was another cosmic force that made dimensional travel possible in the Hurrion multi-verse. The magnetic waves holding the protons and neutrons in the atom together, Hurrions were able to tame that force to propel their spacecraft across the voids of galactic time and distance.


         Solar collectors, gamma-ray dynamos and fusion generators releasing cosmic magnetic energy as a force for propulsion, the sources of power humans had not yet mastered.


         Alien engineering twisting and bending parallel lines as a power source, governed by the laws of chemistry and molecular formation, using the same fusion that made the sun and stars shine.


         Hurrion gamma-ray laser weapons were another form of their advanced dimensional technology. A magnetic blend of gravity and light, phantom particles of cosmic energy fluctuation, it had the power to destroy entire worlds.

          A multi-dimensional being would enjoy remarkable advantages over any more limited rival. The being could enjoy lurking amid unaware others without even knowing of intruders in their known universe. This dimensional super-being could even remove rivals beyond the rules of their own natural geometry.


          Such a being could enjoy abilities totally beyond their rival's comprehension. Suppose a 3 dimensional being comes down and pokes his finger into a 2 dimensional universe, what would the flat (2 dimensional) people see? The insertion of a 3 dimensional figure into such a plane of existence would appear as a circle.

          A complex geometrical object passing through a less dimensional world would certainly appear puzzling to the natives. The object would seem to come out of nowhere, constantly changing as it moved in transit across their known universe.


          Anyone trying to communicate the existence of that multi-dimensional object to unaware others would likely find difficulty. Confused natives would probably scratch their heads puzzled at the concept.


          Understanding another plane of existence would involve creative forms of abstract reasoning, a skill most likely beyond normal ability of deduction, quite far beyond most anyone's life experience."

          Walter noticed several émigré' families en route from earth, many seemed a bit shell-shocked from the experience. Huddled and confused amid adventures that seemed un-worldly, all stumbling out of a vast spaceship they could barely understand.


          All spending months inside an eerie alien craft without those really knowing their fate, worried about their lot in life after strange cosmic intervention.

           Entire families seemed to acquire a mottled gray skin and haggard refugee expression. Young families of once promising scientists emerging from alien vehicles bent and broken, their children having owl-like expressions of curiosity, youthful unease of an uncertain fate.


           Most confused human beings emerged from their trek into distant space looking bent and broken in spirit like vegetables forgotten inside a refrigerator crisper.


           Descendants of warm-blooded lizards from a distant star system, the Hurrions used something from human farm animals as an essential process to ensure their own survival. Walter learned that early in the outbound voyage, seeing a confused pig rise up into the air info the confines of his space ship.


           A polygon many-sided craft with domelike structure on the top and bottom, partly giving off bright orange light, using the power of electro-magnetic fields as streams of energy to transit vast dimensions of time and space. While being imprisoned inside such a craft, it was un-nerving watching poor farm animal trying to escape and being unable to hear them bawl.

           "We need protein substances for our own bio-chemical absorption." Lynna explained, it was a form of DNA manipulation. In the Hurrion experience, endless cloning and DNA experiments too often led to health problems such as sterility.


           "While we Hurrions respect all life-forms, some sacrifices must be made in order to preserve our genetic structures. You humans don't seem to grieve as much over dead farm animals as you would from dead pets or other people." Lynna tried to explain during transit.

            "They don't think like us at all." A fellow transplanted human scientist lamented to Walter several years later. Another fellow scientist, working on a research project under Hurrion direction.


            By now, the abducted scientists from the Islamic planet formerly know as earth had gotten over the irony. Reptilian overlords had managed to neuter the capacity of human beings for scientific discovery decided to employ scientific minded human being for their own research purposes.


            Alien overlords began to appreciate that human capacity to sacrifice one-self for a certain cause. "They think they're using that same kind of fervor other religious types too often misused on earth. Humans always mounting crusades to kill each other - They think they can channel that kind of energy for their own research, can you believe it?"

        "Their minds aren't receptive toward abstract reasoning." Walter had to agree, adding his own experience and expertise. As human research scientists working under different management, they came to notice Hurrion research seemed to follow a more structured framework, using a more organized quest for their expanded knowledge.


          It seemed more adept at solving technical flaws instead of breaking new ground on the road to science discovery. "Humans seem much better at thinking ways around the research blocks." One of their alien bureaucrats admitted.

          "The Hurrions work with longer time frames than we do. We don't have their longer life-spans - we must seem like butterflies to them." A fellow research scientist commented during a rare get- together.


          Both abducted cohorts agreeing Hurrion directors appreciated human efforts to by-pass staid conventional approaches, boldly taking new paths to explore fresh research tactics. Hurrion science seemed stuck in low gear by comparison, strumming along on the tension between the known and the barely understood.

          "And that's why our scientific efforts still matter." Walter concluded, his idea of rebellion against cynical alien exploitation of humanity. "We still need science to stay in the game."

          "There is no game." Most fellow human scientists wanted to differ, the political realism of such total conquest. A futility of reversing that saurian conquest of their now made over Islamic planet earth.


          Their old world had changed completely; most citizens had already dismissed scientific discovery as vile demonic perversions against Allah himself.


          The world they were once born into seemed medieval and remote now, lapsed into pastoral limbo. Inhabitants of the new-age Islamic earth had already slipped behind the veil of religious fever and tribal passions, listening to the words of ayatollah's and mullahs instead of civilized detached reasoning, obedient to Allah's will and so happy to comply.