Later that day, an informal meeting with Lynna



          "Why don't they just be done with it and stare?" Lynna confided to  Walter after her university lecture later on that afternoon, it was at near-by cafe in the capital city.


         A scheduled meeting in a way, it was the first time he'd seen her in several years since his abduction from the earth.

It was also his first visit to the Hurrion capital, ORR-LOK, an urban hub of empire.


         "My new career as media celebrity can certainly seem tormenting in  public at times - It's enough to drive the best of us insane!" She exclaimed.


         Walter barely cracked a smile, noticing well-born saurian blue-bloods trying to sneak a peek at the notable Minister of Historical Culture. With the advent of human cinema upon the alien video entertainment industry, Lynna's expertise

  on human culture made her a well-known celebrity face.


          Rumors circulated among the well connected that she was slated to be picked as the next Entertainment

  Czar, an important post in the dedicated and functional 'samurai style' Hurrion bureaucracy.


         "The price of celebrity, I'm afraid." Walter remarked sympathetic as bio-android waiters delivered drinks to their table. The drinks were mostly teas, some had a beefy broth taste and others were herbal, he settled for a basic glass of water.


         A dining establishment frequented by noble born Hurrion society, the walls looked avant-garde trashy with bulky junk-tech antiques plastered halfway up the sides. Patterns supposedly significant to someone, yet with alien opulent aura that strangely seemed a good omen.


          In rigid Hurrion society even the ordinary masses wouldn't feel welcome here, humans evidently must be considered an oddity in rarified social circles. Walter mused, "If we were on earth, my noble lady, the news media would be hounding us with their hungry cameras."


         "Human culture is saturated around entertainment and sex." "Civilized minds are curious." He added, "They see someone who is part of their video world speaking to this curious creature from earth. With both dining out together of all things, of course people would look."


        "Decorum." Lynna remarked, annoyed at furtive staring from rust colored saurian eyeballs. "Cream is supposed to rise to the top. It is the duty of our well-born to display proper social graces as an example to the masses."


        "You sound rather the lady of quality yet you were born on OOGA-MUGU." Walter blurted out suddenly. "I heard you were the first female to be appointed as high-level government minister from OOGA-MUGU, I'm impressed."


        "Our society's galactic criminal dustbin?" Lynna sneered as saurian gentry turned eyes to peek furtive. She smiled back their way, her disdain as an exaggerated courtesy.


        Walter nodded, OOGA-MUGU was an isolated arid planet where an early Hurrion space empire disposed of their convicted felons. In those early years of forced colonization there occurred a violent shaking out among early outlaw residents.


         Different cultures from blended tribal units clashed in predatory reptile conflict. Creatures united mostly by criminality found violent solutions upon the weak, until imperial authority stepped in to crush the chaos of rebellion.


         "One glorious empire on your Earth devoted an entire continent to dispose of their outcasts. They called it Australia, I believe." The notable Minister of Historical Culture had to remark. Like Australia, Lynna's home planet was no longer used as imperial outcast dustbin, a means to dispose their society of criminal cast-offs.


         Centuries later, some of the privileged classes still accused the descendants of early pioneers as having 'wicked

  inheritance.' Some urbane saurian classes were more considerate, looking upon most natives of OOGA-MUGU akin to 'trailer trash.' Fellow citizens, to be sure, but not usually those you'd care to invite into polite society.


         "Do you ever go home very much?" Walter asked, hoping Lynna would take the hint. Wanting to steer the conversation towards his home and family, hoping to be reunited with them somehow.


         "Maybe when...Oh never mind!" Lynna seemed to scold. "I never bother with social niceties when I don't have to. The fact of the matter is - I'm not going home for awhile - and neither are you.


         The entire planet named Islamia has been designated a 'cultural protectorate', remember? Off limits to all except authorized military people."


        "I just miss my family, that's all." Walter lamented, thinking about the concept of being kissed by his wife. It seemed a radical and lavish display of affection to him after several years away.


        "Your earth is off-limits to all in order to prevent cultural diffusion." Lynna explained, "The spread of any idea or invention beyond the society it originated is called 'diffusion'. We intend to prevent that sort of development by establishing a strict 'cultural protectorate' status for your entire planet."


        She elaborated, "Even quality born and bred Hurrions are affected by these orders. Just last week I had the dreadful task of informing a noble born lady she wasn't allowed to import classical musicians from earth to provide instruction for her academy and dance theater, for example."


         "Your empire wishes to preserve its Islamic conquest." Walter surmised acidly, watching saurian blue-bloods devour cockroaches at the next table. As lizards, Hurrions considered some insects a traditional food source, it was a sight to behold for an abducted human so far from home.


         "I was rather surprised when you told that university crowd about how militant Islam managed to overpower the hapless infidel during World War Two." Walter noted sarcastic, "Do you actually enjoy distorting the facts of history

  to your own people? Is that what a Minister of Historical Culture is supposed to do?"


        "It is only the winners who are chosen to write about our glorious history." Lynna parroted an ancient warrior adage from Hurrion culture of ages ago as her final reply.


         "As designated officer of governmental authority, it is my honor to screen suitable examples for the enlightenment of our masses. Don't be such a simpleton, Walter."


         She scolded, "In several hundred years in human terms, or a few generations of ours - the official version will become

  enshrined into academic dogma. On earth the dogma already is being enshrined into new sacred books of scripture, all learned scholars of the faith agree on the holy record of divine intervention.


         Allah himself had to return upon earth to rescue wicked humanity from demonic forces, including man's satanic

  airplane blasphemy and perverted science."


        Walter chilled inside at the thought. Lynna's logic of historical revision was their final victory. He had no joy in wondering how such things would turn out.


        "Whoever gets to screen history has the final opportunity to revise it." She added. "It does not matter what version is being screened - only that those doing the task are those in control."


         "Spoken like the next entertainment czar." Walter commented, "The only real task would be to keep your public watching."


        Lynna sneered her lips in reply, annoyed once more at furtive glances by high-born saurian on-lookers. Saying sarcastic but softly discreet, "Look at the well known media celebrity - just don't turn your head to see, though. It's so important to keep up the pretense of good breeding!"


         She was the well known government personality feeling a little edgy under celebrity pressure, she also confided her fears of becoming entangled in ruling party politics. Already, other rivals in high level circles were beginning to criticize. Her sudden rise to public prominence and fame, an upstart creating a 'cult of personality.'


        She confided, her ambition to be selected by the Sovereign Lords as the next Propaganda Minister. Feeling qualified in unique manner, in fact. Having studied advertising methods while performing military service in orbit around planet earth.


        She referred to American style commercials on television and radio as an example of 'decadent marketing', concluding its purpose was in creating discontent.


        "All those strident and vulgar commercials did accomplish something of value, however." She conceded. "It did manage to stimulate the economy, and in so doing, advance technical progress and innovation.


        Yet nobody realized the cost has been high in terms of mental health, your citizens constantly being bombarded by messages urging them to be unsatisfied." The sage Hurrion Minister of Historical Culture had to surmise.


        "Human beings were being constantly incited by video screens to crave more material goods and property, newer automobiles, better clothing and more beautiful younger sexual partners. We would consider it a form of abuse over here."


        "Right now.." Walter remarked somewhat bitterly, harsh comments at the prospect of never seeing his family again because of those 'cultural protection' rules and regulations.


        "I'd be happy to see my old sexual partner again. Seeing my wife and daughter, that's the only thing my heart really

  craves. It's enough to make me feel perpetually abused!"


        "Another of our humans yearning for couple hood." Lynna shook her head in sarcasm at Walter's lack of decorum.


        "Perhaps we can pull a few strings and help you in the couple hood dilemma - and interest you in another assignment at the same time. It's a new research colony now being assembled in orbit around the Florion Star system.


        A proper research facility, and not converted spacecraft made over into an orbital science lab. In this new facility, we can keep valuable administrators and scientific talent such as yourself much more content to be working for us.


        One could dedicate an entire career to study and advanced research, there'd be no reason for one to feel exiled from your spouse and family. Your beloved kinship patterns can be reconstituted there - but only if you agree to the new assignment, of course."


         Lynna offered. "Work for our special human associates would become more comfortable and enjoyable for years to come."


         Walter looked at her skeptical, he'd heard so many veiled promises and rumors in his enforced exile the past few years. He felt it was time for some real compensation now.


        "Then it's settled." Lynna decided. "You'll be in charge of a new investigative team, I'm hopeful we can make real progress. You'll get everything you'll need, but all of that takes time."


        "Haven't you received the latest results from our final advanced tests?" Walter said impatiently, "We've achieved quite the scientific breakthrough. I would think congratulations would be called for - not more empty promises about seeing my family again!" He scolded angrily.


        "You mean our targeted laser mirage project." Lynna admitted, "The last reports I've heard was that the visual sensor system still had difficulty adjusting to the target area. That blind spot inside the retina of an eye, our goal was to shoot a proton beam holograph image upon that blind spot."


         Walter studied her face to see if she understood most of the technical problems were essentially solved, she didn't.


        "From what I understood the problems with the roving sensors kept the project from being completed. Are you telling me now that those technical problems have been solved, Walter?"


        "You wanted the laser projector to paint a picture inside the human mind." Walter remarked in accusal. "One of my research associates discovered the problems with the sensors had actually been solved years before.


        Luckily for us the invention wasn't discarded like many of the others when your anti-scientific jihad achieved victory over our hapless planet earth."


        Lynna ignored his sarcasm concerning the recent Hurrion conquest, wanting to learn more about their unexpected scientific breakthrough. She learned the sensors were invented several years earlier, originally intended as a device to disable media photography.


         A benefit for celebrity personalities under siege from aggressive reporters, the sensors were originally designed to disable media camera lenses, not turned around to target human eyeballs to manufacture illusion.


        "I imagine the invention will be of use to your military." Walter surmised, "Concealing troops and equipment for camouflage, I presume. We've been calling our little innovation a 'dimensional image projector."


         "The purpose of the project does have military applications," Lynna conceded, "It also shows promise in the field of propaganda." "Maybe a little scientific achievement to ensure your credentials to be the next propaganda minister?"


         He mused, fascinated at the rivalry among Hurrion government satraps. Even in this far-off corner of the universe - among various creatures of exotic worlds - the office politics remained the same.


         "Wouldn't it be more practical to sell your propaganda to the masses with garden variety American style television commercials?" Walter wondered aloud.


         "You mean decadent capitalist marketing?" Lynna argued, "I've studied that kind of human advertising while I was assigned to our military campaign around your earth, remember?"


           She sighed as if to scold. "Your television commercials constantly incited the masses to covet more material goods, newer automobiles, more toys for themselves and their offspring. If you choose to count the subliminal, even younger and more beautiful sexual partners.


         It resulted in making the lives of your ordinary citizens seem squalid in comparison," She accused, " Your citizenry seemed seldom satisfied with their lot in life.


         They became ripe like overripe fruit falling into our hands, so ready for our subliminal message of miracles and Islamic religious revival. Like the new-age religion we have chosen for your masses, our version of propaganda has

 a more uplifting message, to create contentment among the population.


         We need to inspire them to believe all was as it should be. They could enjoy life in a great and generous empire. That they lived and worked for an important goal, that their lives were meaningful and counted in the larger scheme of society."


         "And where does the showing of old Hollywood war films to your Hurrion masses figure into the propaganda?" Walter shrugged as a bio-android delivered their meals, he shuddered at Lynna's portion.


         Insects and salad greens looking like sprinkled bacon bits until one looked closer on inspection. A lizard delicacy, served at a fine restaurant no less, quite a curious sight for human eyes.


         "The goal of any propaganda is to keep you watching." The Hurrion Minister of Historical Culture spoke as if to a small child, devouring her salad eagerly at the same time. "It's to displace one's panorama of reality with our own.


          Those old human war pictures keep the masses amused and watching for our benefit. We mean to mine other aspects of human culture and adapt it for our needs of entertainment. Our little science project merely adds another dimension to the task, can't you see?"




          They spoke about human cinema, Lynna complained about the monumental task of having to catalogue numerous films harvested in the aftermath of new-age Islamic revival on planet earth.


         Video productions beamed up to awaiting, but hidden Hurrion star-ships as fruits of conquest. Potent laser beams de-materializing decadent Hollywood culture and library materials, beaming up creative treasures disguised as Allah's thunderbolts from heaven itself.


         Jubilant Moslem clerics cheering at the judgement from the one true God, the newly devout dancing as the light of Islam devoured unholy artifacts before their eyes. It seemed a judgment of the almighty upon mankind's secular



         "Propaganda of the best kind." Lynna enthused, "Creating human contentment, and erasing decades of damage done by decadent human marketing too."


         "And now you're a celebrity because of your propaganda." Walter reasoned, she didn't seem amused at her reality of new celebrity status. As a rising star in the Hurrion bureaucracy, she was expressing fears about becoming tied to 'a cult of personality' in the fickle public mind.


         According to their ruling party dogma, the creation of even a single celebrity resulted in problems for larger society, problems for those lacking a sense of glamour and self-worth, for example. Celebrity status for some seemed a catalyst that  seemed to diminish the lives of ordinary Hurrion citizens some-how.


         Those citizens in poverty, for instance., the unattractive or boring, those having warts and greasy complexions, those ordinary and desperate souls out there so unhealthy and unhappy.


         "There's only so much room at the top." Lynna reasoned. "That's why everyone seems almost glad when they see the celebrity person fall down."


         "So when did you decide to release human World War movies to your video entertainment media for popular consumption?" Walter wondered. Lynna chuckled recalling the tale, screening collected Hollywood movies in front of

Muk-Riss and senior military officers.


          Confused saurian commanders offering such comments as 'Why did they do that?' during various stages of the film.


          "Nobody even bothers to explain anything while your film stories are going on." Lynna lamented, saying she always had the need to alter human films to suit Hurrion tastes.


         They also spoke of romantic Hollywood movies too, how that art form didn't relate well into saurian culture. As civilized lizards, that alien race seldom formed permanent relationship bonds. Instead they had a mating season.


          Lynna adding that human beings in her custody too often felt homesick, missing the luxuries and relationship they once enjoyed on earth.


          The money and material goods, cars and homes, the fine foods and career prestige, "but slowly our human beings are beginning to realize working inside our empire has certain rewards."


         She crowed that abducted pork producers were being rewarded with new material comforts, "To better compensate for those elusive spiritual pains."


         Walter turned his head around seeing Lynna wave to some friend, an important somebody entering the dining salon. "Muk- Riss is here." she had to announce, "You remember Muk-Riss."


         Walter nodded, Lynna's comrade during the successful Islamia\earth campaign looking larger somehow. Thick-headed saurian star-fleet officer had risen several ranks since they last met. Like Lynna, he was rewarded with promotion honors in the aftermath of psychological warfare's total victory.


           Hurrion Minister of Historical Culture standing up to greet her former superior officer as Walter did the same, the proper decorum.


         "You must remember Walter." She bowed her head politely. Muk-Riss eyed both with a certain career military disdain for civilians, then motioned both to sit. "I remember humans by the things they do." Muk-Riss said in dismissal, signaling for a bio- android robot waiter for menu service.


         "One just can't decide if you like their face or even believe what human lips say - those kinds of creatures are the masters of deceit."


         "As one can see," Lynna apologized to Walter for her comrade's lack of noble-born social grace. "Our friend, the Lord Commander of the newly established Islamia Patrol sector has been somewhat stressed from his most recent assignment." She pointed to an icon on the menu as the bio-android waiter arrived for Muk-Riss.


         The Lord Commander in that area of the galaxy began complaining about certain administrative woes caused on earth by Lynna's favored Islamic clerics. Some were running amok enforcing godly rule, executing heavenly edicts against demonic pictures of human aviation, for instance.


         "It wasn't enough that their pathetic space program and even propeller aircraft had to be abolished and destroyed."

He sneered, "Even the pictures of rocket ships, space shuttles and airplanes had to be totally eradicated as well.


         All the top imams and ayatollahs decided to meet on such religious questions to settle some urgent details of dogma. They conferred in council and debated the Koran and other teachings, now the only pictures of human aviation that can be shown to our devout masses are certain approved bat-winged icons.


         Those were the same our psychological warfare division beamed down at the beginning of our campaign. Our symbolism of Allah's warnings against the sins of human pride and winged blasphemy, can you believe these symbols we've created are now enshrined as religious dogma?!


         Can you appreciate the irony, Lynna? Now our symbols are considered inspired warnings from heaven itself, our little propaganda little reminders of demonic influence will soon be entered into newly official holy books.


         Our propaganda symbols are now considered heavenly reminders against mankind's pride and wickedness for the ages. God's very own warrior angels enforced his inevitable response, so our little bat-winged icons Lynna inspired have become their very symbol of mankind's rescue.


         Soon these new religious holy books will display her propaganda symbol and inspire human souls to worship their potent medieval warrior god as their deliverer!"


         "Walter has informed me our electronic mirage project has already succeeded in advanced testing." Lynna reported to the recently promoted Lord Commander, the latest results from the military funded program.


         She explained the details of scientific breakthrough, quite a surprising leap forward due to a fairly recent human invention becoming adapted for different use.


        Once an anti-paparazzi device, it was a camera lens-seeking laser beam originally designed to disable intrusive media photography. Now those sensors had been fashioned instead to focus upon the human eye, projecting a desired

holographic image inside the eyeball.


         "Walter's helpful staff made the scientific breakthrough. It will give our side that vital edge as masters of illusion over our cultural protectorate Islamia. 'Dimensional image projectors." Lynna remarked, "Isn't that what your team decided to call those devices, Walter?"


         "You may call them what you wish." Muk-riss interrupted. "As Lord Commander, my first order concerning these propaganda tools will be to unleash them immediately - And use those tools first to cower some of our more difficult Islamic clerics."


        Muk-Riss raised his glass in toast as the waiter returned to bring alcoholic cheer. It was a toast to the financial rewards of success, the victors celebrating the fruits of military conquest, human cultural property becoming the spoils of that victory. A revitalized Hurrion entertainment industry was another beneficiary of 'cultural diffusion.'


         Lynna told Walter about expanding water- tanker traffic between the ice-rich moons of Jupiter and her arid birthplace of OOGA-MUGU. She Reminded Muk-Riss to purchase certain land parcels on her home planet as certain real estate investments sure to prosper from watery redevelopment.


         "We could have confiscated all the water we required from your beloved earth, you know that, Walter." She crowed, "As conquerors, it was our historic right, but we Hurrions have a certain noble dignity as a cultured and civilized people."


         "You humans should get rid of your aversion to eating insects and sample some of our succulent Hurrion silver crunch roaches." Muk-Riss remarked to Walter while reaching for his dinner plate.


        Avidly devouring said tasty silver beetles to make his point, telling how the native Hurrion beetle population faced extinction in its original habitat.


         "But I noticed quite a number of silvery beetles coming in for a landing today." Walter begged to differ, reporting he'd seen a myriad of small flashes as an indication of insect creatures, all glinting in the sunlight upon fields of crops near the urban spaceport.


         Both Hurrions telling him those were manufactured life forms, one chip robots about the size of a human thumb.


         "They're designed to crawl among our agricultural crops with knife sharp tips, cutting down weeds and leaving the crops."


         Muk-Riss remarked to Lynna about another ambitious genetic engineering project, adapting terrestrial plants to the soil of an un-occupied planet in their far-flung empire.


          One such project already re-invigorated the favored saurian crunch snack, favoring the Hurrion food supply by implanting the terrestrial cockroach genome. Increased insect breeding resulted in a boom in agriculture production for the Hurrion diet by expanding food supplies.


         "Some under-ground breeding tunnels still exist to supply the traditional silver beetles on the other side of this planet." Lynna admitted while finishing up herbal tea, "But the finest crunch snack insects are harvested from certain specialty ranches on OOGA-MUGU."


         "Don't forget, you promised me a harmonized set of rules for our de-facto occupation of Islamia." Muk-Riss remarked to Lynna as reminder, "We spoke of this urgent matter before, about the final and most arduous phase of reform in our decided program."


         Lynna shrugged off the request as not fit for discussion in public at the moment, but her Hurrion comrade warrior continued with his shop-talk. Newly promoted Hurrion Lord Commander complaining of political in-fighting between Jihad Women, Lynna's favored governing body, and more traditional male-dominated Islamic leaders.


         "I am loathe to issue more directives from above and decide day to day matters as a god to that bunch of religious savages." He confided bitterly about the ignoble task of peace - keeping, not a fit task for noble born Hurrion military officers, it seemed.


         "Let's face it." Muk-Riss lamented, pointing at his glass of beer to a passing bio-bot waiter for another round. "There's only real glory found in combat for us noble warriors. These occupational duties can be a career waste bin if any reports of local insurrection embarrass our high command."


         "From the last messages to my office from Islamia, you informed me that Jihad Women was well established in the former infidel nations of Europe and North America."


         Lynna argued, "You further told me that the organization is an especially favored institution in this most enlightened Islamic new age of planet earth."


         "Your program of gender equality has stalled in the most traditional of Muslim nations." Muk-Riss explained, "An issue, my noble lady, you so often reminded those in authority, about rights females do not yet enjoy in our period of time and culture."


         Walter told Lynna about certain cultural differences leading to warfare between the forces of Moslem fundamentalists and feminism in the last decades of the twentieth century in earth's recent history. Such fanatical resistance arose in nations making it a policy to root out traditional practices regarding women.


         The Shah of Iran and the Soviet backed rulers of Afghanistan were early examples of conflict caused by governmental efforts to eliminate the veil as required garb for women and the right to female education.


         "Our intelligence reports indicate as much." Muk- Riss agreed, downing his beer again as both nodded, saying; "These fundamentalist Islamic sects have been supported by the male dominated families that represent a traditional Middle East family life.


         "Life in the Middle East has long centered around family and tribe." Lynna said, "Tribe is, of course, family in its most extended form. Men have always been the greatest of importance in that most traditional form of kin-ship system, a foundation of wealth and security in that area of the world."


         "And your thoughtful band of feminists in the Ministry of Historical Culture want to break up such male dominated alliances." Muk-Riss accused almost rudely, suggesting he may soon issue another report to the high command.


          "I may have to recommend that certain elements of your proposals regarding basic reform for Islamia be altered due to such matters of religious doctrine. These are basically feminist policies not central to our mission of occupation, those have already began to inspire local resistance in our more traditional Islamic areas."


        Lynna argued the important steps her organization, Jihad Women, had made in eradicating scientific traditions in once advanced secular nations. The Islamic feminist organization had become the strongest and most respected entity in the new age of divine rule.


        "There is no Jihad without Women!" She stormed, "Don't make me go over your head and complain to the Sovereign Lords in the capital city, Muk-Riss." She made rude warning.


         "Our business opportunities from Islamia culture should be more than enough to satisfy a noble born patrician such as yourself, my most noble of comrades. Don't ruin this rich mother lode of cultural treasure that's our conqueror's birth-right.


          The rest of us victorious warriors in the field of battle find advancing a few ranks in title and wealth worthy compensation for our service to the empire.


         Even though you may think mundane occupational duties and such peace-keeping beneath a noble born person such as yourself - The lucrative opportunities offered to us as honored lords and ladies cannot be ignored."


        "Maybe you prefer that the cultural protectorate be under the day-to-day responsibility of your own Ministry of Historical Culture." Muk-Riss suggested annoyed, "I begin to find contempt dealing with these rabid brands of religious savages anyway.


          They're much more obtuse than even the trained apes on the Florian Star System. Our so-called civilized human beings are a nightmare to administer properly.


         These thorny matters of religious dogma are beneath the status of anyone noble born, how can anyone of breeding

properly attend such things in the course of an honorable military career?"


         "One should never be discouraged by minor setbacks in the course of day to day work." Walter soothed, "From what I understand, being appointed as exalted Lord Commander is a very high honor indeed."


         "All of us here can take pride that we've made an impact in our chosen fields of expertise." Lynna noted. "What is the term your people call it?"               


         "Our career." Walter remarked.


         "Yes." Muk-riss agreed. "As member of our noble-born officer corps, we find nothing more satisfying in life purpose than in our favored career. Any career, even those of less noble distinction, it matters not if your allotted field is mostly conventional or exotic.


         It is of little concern whether you rise in it depressingly slow or in spectacular fashion - or even if your

  reputation becomes blemished from time to time due to certain mishap, as long as you fashion a career."


         "How did you end up in your field of career, Walter?" Lynna wondered, "I realize for humans, one's choice of life- work seems hap-hazard and random to us."


         Walter's eyes perked p a bit while speaking of his youthful days spent in university. "I was mostly motivated by my father." He explained, his fears of ending up just like him, toiling away full time at the local steel mill.


         Telling of actually working there during summer break to pay for tuition, even eating bananas and cream to meet certain requirements of weight, the company policy of size before he could even become hired performing manual labor.


         "For me there wasn't the option of abandoning my goal - no quitting by dropping out." He added.


         Lynna recalled a slogan atop the gates of Ooga-mugu University, her alma mater. A slogan imprinted into her mind's eye. 'At the end of your productive life's journey, the final question to be asked is: "What was I and what did I become?"


         "It seldom matters who you were or what you've become!" Muk-riss argued rude interruption, "What matters is if you've really made a difference!


         Too often I've suffered from former classmates, Oh, how they crow about starting out in life as a humble, yet hard-working youth and yet they've managed to become..A chief of police!


         'It's still rather remarkable for me to even think about it yet today.' They'd proclaim, 'If only my dear beloved

  mother could see me now!"


         Lynna gave her colleague a stare of polite disapproval, but he continued on with biting comment, mostly at Walter's direction.


         "Now I just happen to know this chap who is now the proud chief of police. He was once a secret informant at my former university." Lord Commander Muk-riss confided;


         "Merely a mediocre student with small talent. Somebody who learned early on who's behind to kiss and how often! Isn't that a fine way for one to advance beyond his station?!


         Another I know often brags how he was once a common-born lad, not terribly bright, he admits. Yet he'd say it often and loud how amazed he still is. By rising through toil and inspiration to become...A Senior Propagandist! 'If only my deceased mentor or former classmates could see me now!' He proclaims at the usual parties."


         "Such cynical opinions are unbecoming of one such as yourself." Lynna scolded weakly against the esteemed Lord Commander in full alcoholic tirade, to no avail, of course.


         "I deal with such shallow unprincipled individuals constantly in my line of work." The Lord Commander continued. "One of those persons disliked by all except those overlords whom he curries favor in a most despicable manner.


         You know the type - ones who make it a habit of groveling low to their masters and showing unbecoming rudeness upon their underlings. The one I speak of isn't all that unusual, I'm certain there are many such types in human society.


         That one was just another political rodent clawing his way to the top on the backs of others. At least in our military circles - such cads and basic scoundrels may be weeded out by the occasional duels of honor!"


         Lynna looked at Walter while the Lord Commander continued his tirade, still taken aback by his lack of officer decorum. Saurian blue-bloods dining nearby, listening in if they could but pretending a certain noble indifference.


         "It is only by crowing about ones rise in career status that keeps ordinary citizens in our society going. A Hurrion only differs from those insects we eat - merely because we are able to advance in our careers to the fullest extent possible.


         And those possibilities can be quite immense - as large and as wide as our ever expanding universal empire. In practice any member citizen can form his own illustrious career, as Lynna and I have surely demonstrated.


         Indeed, if a citizen who is not noble-born seems unwilling to fashion any sort of career, it may become a suspicious matter of interest to our forces of police. I assure you, Walter, they will view any common blooded unmotivated person as having a certain character defect."


         "What about unemployment?" Walter argued. "I've noticed a number of bio-bots and androids toiling away in all your great cities. Do those ones have careers as well?"


         "We have no unemployment in our society, Walter." Lynna had to remark, "if one is unable or unwilling to work, the proper governmental authority is assigned the task of re-education. We are not a heartless and cruel people."


         "Your form of society seems a bit aggressive in trying to eliminate the misfit." Walter noted. "You may no longer dispose of your criminal classes upon the planet Ooga-mugu anymore - but your people still try to eradicate them through re-education, as you like to call it.


         Humans often understand that genuine progress depends on the misfit. Those not conditioned by their own society's ways, those discontented enough to try and actually change things for the better.


         Many of our greatest of minds have been misfits in their own time, the Lockes, the Da Vincis, the Einsteins and the



         "Let's say the misfit problem is due to certain contradictions in our society." Muk-riss conceded. "I'm willing to express a human view of this – even though I know not the examples you mentioned.


         What contradictions? Who cares? As far as our culture's view is concerned - This is NOT a university seminar!"


          “What our esteemed Lord Commander is trying to say, Walter." Lynna soothed. "Is that our contradictions are managed by the Sovereign Lords and their functionaries in our government. These are noticed by them and, in time,

overcome by skilful supervision and leadership."


         "Not all misfits are citizens of genius." Muk-riss argued. "Very few are ever produced, Walter - and you know it!


         "Your comments in favor of nurturing the human misfit in the interests of progress sounds disturbing to our ears, Walter." Lynna scolded. "I was about to offer you the assignment of organizing our human scientific education program as promotion for your noble work. But frankly, your almost subversive views only make me wish to reconsider."


         "As you wish." Walter made casual shrug, indicating to a passing bio-bot waiter he wished to join Muk-riss in drinking beer, saying; "Right now I'd be more than willing to trade all your valued career promotions and praises for just a few brief days with my family."


         "I understand." Muk-riss agreed, becoming more soothing under alcoholic cups of influence. "You seem a bit odd to me, as do most humans. Yet I do look upon you as a competent administrator.


         Quite likely a fine chap and not at all like those political stooges I am forced to deal with in my work as commander of forces. Let's face it, Walter, when we three were together at first in transit from your own planet, we had very little in common.


         Only a period of time and great distance to travel, we shared little talk of interest. It's a shame, but that was reality for us. Perhaps there is need to become better acquainted now."


         "I hope you are not planning to drag poor Walter in on one of your social interrogations." Lynna surmised, "This is neither the time not the place."


         "It is my privilege as Lord Commander - indeed it is my duty, and dictated by force of circumstances." Muk-riss had to differ, smiling now that he had someone human to join him in alcoholic cheer.


         "Social interrogation?"


         "It is merely a social custom among our people, for the high-born it gives us opportunity to mingle with those of other classes and races who may be of use to us. It is purely voluntary, but is considered bad form not to accept.


         We can exchange information not often available in official circles. One can nurture useful contacts and, business matters without social constraint."


         "It's more than purely social custom, Walter." Lynna added, resigned to her high-born comrade's decision to employ the custom of social interrogation.


         "It has little in common with basic human hospitality, as Hurrions we often call upon those whom we care not to see. I am happy to report our unremarkable custom is dying out - mostly due to human cultural influences."


         "Human cultural influences?" Walter smiled while drinking Hurrion beer in curious amusement. "In that case I'd be honored to accept our esteemed Lord Commander's invitation to social interrogation. I never had the pleasure of such an invitation before, you see."


         "Muk-riss clanged his beer glass in toast with his human guest, saying; "And I have never enjoyed social interrogation with a human being before. So may it be an enjoyable occasion for the both of us."


         Lynna voiced her theory as to the apparent decline in Hurrion visitation customs, blaming human cultural influence. Recently introduced books, film, music, foods and fashion all converging to give an unexpected economic lift to their more restricted society.


         She remarked about how the Ministry of Culture supported a number of legitimate theatres, from time to time one could actually see an enjoyable play. The same was true of music, painting and literature.


         When by chance something interesting to read appeared in print, most everyone in Orr-Lok, the capital city, rushed out to purchase a copy. Meaning there was soon none available, not even in the libraries.


         "Going out to our cinemas was too often a wasted exercise of boredom. You may enjoy a film once in awhile, but most happened to be pure rubbish. Those examples of dubious entertainment exposed to us were always selected by the cultural ministry, mainly so as not to question our society's foundations."


         "We have managed to conquer our near-by universe to a previously unimaginable extent." Muk-riss added his lament, "and yet we have difficulty amusing ourselves. Boredom seems to be the essence of our existence.


         Day to day Hurrion life is basically event free, very little out of the ordinary is supposed to happen. Our powers that be don't wish to allow anything to deviate from the norm."


         "Like creativity or talent, for instance." Lynna quipped, signaling to a passing bio-bot waiter for a first glass of wine. Deciding to join in the ceremony of social interrogation and adding lightly.


         "Heaven forbid the Sovereign Lords and Ministry of Culture should allow more than a token leavening of original thought."



         The Lord Commander's driver, a Hurrion sergeant-aide, opened up his vehicle for the benefit of the guest passengers. The technical sergeant-aide saluted his Lord Commander smartly in his customary sky-blue military fatigues, driving guests to the social interrogation as ordered.


         It was then that Walter realized Muk-riss looked impressive in his crimson red Imperial Commander uniform. A most fitting regal attire, complete with crests and decals of rank which commanded respect throughout their vast empire of deep space.


          Their aerial transport lifted off in silence above its assigned docking portal atop the central university. It floated for a brief moment before moving along an assigned flight path.


         Above the city one couldn't help but notice its most notable structure. About the size of a large domed stadium on earth, but taller and more ornate, resembling that classical Greek or Roman Empire style.


         Lynna remarked that in ancient times and even today it was known as the Grand Imperium. It was traditionally a center of empire where the Sovereign Lords assembled to decide important matters of state.


         Seven wide avenues radiated out from the building like spokes on a wheel. Each avenue was dedicated to one of the inhabited planets in the Hurrion star system, the basic core of empire where decisions made inside the Grand Imperium presumable applied.


         "I thought there were eight inhabited planets inside your star system." Walter recalled.


         "They never dedicated an avenue in memorial to my home planet." Lynna lamented. "When the Imperium was built centuries ago, Ooga-Mugu was only a planet used as an area of banishment, someplace to dump our most active dissidents and criminals."


         "Cursed blood and common blood do not rate memorials." Muk-riss added in dismissal. "Except for fallen warriors, perhaps - but only in they have the decency to die long ago in some glorious battle!"


         "The Ministry of Political Responsibility' is the official title of the Imperium Building now." Lynna noted while sighing, her polite form of criticism for the remark the Lord Commander had made about fallen warriors in battle.


         She added criticism of her own to Walter, "Unlike human bureaucrats, our government administrators have the word 'responsibility' in their portfolios."


         "Human bureaucrats are like their doctors." Muk-riss added criticism again, curling lips in disgust. "They can always bury their mistakes - ours are like auto mechanics - They have to live with theirs!"


         "At least we were able to choose our own leaders once!" Walter had to differ. "It was called 'democracy', I don't even believe that is even a concept in your people's vocabulary. Your Ministry of Historical Culture will never introduce the idea to your masses, I'm sure."


         "Democracy, such a nice sounding idea." Lynna sneered in comment. "Surely anyone could notice the corruption and inefficiencies were obvious and odious.


         Instead of being governed by noble aristocrats and Sovereign Lords, your ignorant masses were lorded over by mostly unpopular and corrupt career politicians. Those came from all your major political parties and seldom, if ever left the public eye.


         At least human prostitutes had the dignity of leaving their positions as the favors and popularity diminished in time - your political prostitutes seldom did! Even when they did leave, they were handsomely rewarded.


         Not having done a single honest day's work or notable accomplishment in their lives, I may add."


         "Basically human beings are ungovernable wretches." The Lord Commander opined. "Even dealing as we do now with Islamic mullahs and clerics has become a dreadful chore of remote communication for us - And THEY think our messages come from GOD!


         Now your masses are convinced the Millennium of eternity has arrived, some Islamic clerics tell their masses to prepare for the last coming of God's final judgment.


         From what I've been told, at least our mundane administration woes have become easier as such a result, few wish to defy Godly rule as the final accounting draws ever nearer."


         Walter watched as their military vehicle glided above the capital city. Watching glowing vistas of canyons with tall buildings, he realized he didn't know anything about the earth anymore.


         Looking down on alien structures strung together, the laser lit subway tubes and canyon high walkways, he

realized he was totally dependent on unreliable sources of information.


         What was the current topic of discussion back home on earth these days? He really didn't know. "A last coming?" Walter wondered aloud.


         "I'm afraid noble-born gossip is not as well guarded as it should be." Lynna quietly scolded the Lord Commander. She tried to elaborate the situation on earth for the benefit of her human guest;


         "I was afraid of such unintended consequences when we first unleashed our grand strategy on your world. Some

  changes produce unintended outcomes in time, this was such an outcome none of us could have foreseen."


         "I still don't know what you're talking about." Walter said impatiently. "What about this last coming?"


         "The same thing happened in the Florion star system, or at least in our occupied areas of it. When we first arrived there, the natives believed their final Millennium had arrived.


         They actually believed some mystical heavenly Eden was about to unfold with our magical machines and wizardry

  effects. They didn't feel any need to prepare for the future or to even work.


         It was rather depressing for me to see as a cultural anthropologist. I was forced to watch the natives kill all their breeding stock animals and see their gardens go to the weeds. After awhile the natives began to starve - at least until our occupational authorities were able to provide humanitarian assistance."


         "But your people never even tried to directly contact human beings!" Walter argued. "Nobody on the earth even had a clue creatures from another world had even arrived!"


         "They thought God had arrived, Walter." Lynna explained the concept as if speaking to a small child. "Most human religions have the same end-game scenario, the ruling deity appears to save humanity from its foolishness.


         After heavenly intervention the final Day of Judgment appears. I'm afraid your masses just bought into the concept completely."


         "But no..No, that's not..We're not.." Walter wanted to attack Lynna's line of reasoning. He wanted to argue that human beings weren't ignorant jungle savages, but he couldn't.


         "When we succeeded in overthrowing your scientific traditions with religious fever, we unleashed a basketful of unintended consequences." Lynna explained. "The basic core beliefs that the electric light would come on when you turned the switch.


         Your people had faith that if the light didn't come on, somebody would be able to fix it. Your human race just lost that wonderful sort of confidence in itself, I'm afraid to report."


         "So what are you going to do?"


         "In a way you've helped solve that problem for us, Walter." Lynna said amused. "Our projected laser imagery program, remember? Now that we're able to project a convincing holographic image inside the retina of the human eye - We can create the illusion of angels speaking to human beings directly.


         We can by-pass the interpretations of clerics and religious leaders entirely with our propaganda messages. We can reform the dogma caused by centuries of spiritual beliefs."


         "I can't believe I was even associated with something as evil as that!" Walter sneered in disgust. "I was led to believe it was a military program of some sort. The possibilities for abusing a human mind with evil propaganda and indoctrination that way are indeed chilling!"


         "Not as chilling as an atomic bomb." Muk-riss argued annoyed. "It is the duty of any scientist to expand the storehouse of knowledge. One must never be squeamish about any use in the final application, be grateful that you have accomplished something useful!


         Such forms of discovery are more important to civilization than the mere work of any Lord Commander. Your

cooperative efforts from such an invention will revolutionize education and entertainment in future years.


         By then its propaganda value will become no more significant than a television or radio, surely an educated man such as yourself can see that."


         "The Lord Commander is right." Lynna soothed. "The Sovereign Lords are quite pleased with the results of our human scientific research programs, I may add. Perhaps the esteemed Lord Commander can arrange contact with your

  loved ones on earth as you desire.


         They can understand you as a heavenly angel perhaps, certainly that would put your family at ease. We'll employ one of those inside the eye, holographic projection devices you and your competent staff was able to fashion for us."


         "I believe that is in my jurisdiction." The Lord Commander cheered. "I will even recommend to the Sovereign Lords that the rest of your scientific research team be duly rewarded. See Walter, already our social interrogation has proven rather productive for you.


         You'll be able to contact your loved ones on earth, and I get to show off my human guest for my adorable young wife

  and a quite noble guest."


         Walter said little as the military staff vehicle soared over the capital city. It seemed a metropolis built high and proud, ever growing atop dull rust colored volcanic ashes, broken up by an ancient riverbed. Lynna remarked that the city known as Orr-Lok was in the midst of vigorous urban renewal.


         Once ancient urban areas built in haphazard fashion by the whims of history, newly prosperous imperial expansion was transforming it rapidly now.


         As if to illustrate the point, their aerial staff vehicle soared over winding ancient slum streets, the acid barren soil becoming reformed into canyon greenery, elegant malls and watery parks. Soon their military transport descended back down to a street level lot, becoming a ground car upon landing.


         It entered under a large apartment building toward an underground garage.   "I've taken the liberty of inviting a guest or two." Lord Commander Muk-riss admitted, finally dismissing his driver before entering an elevator.


         "As a human being in the capital city, you're a great item of curiosity, Walter." Lynna teased as several high-born residents of the building couldn't help but ogle their human guest.


         "You'll soon have the pleasure of meeting our Lord Commander's wife, a most gracious although younger lady. Perhaps someone will invite you to one of our more formal gatherings, always a special treat for outsiders such as ourselves.


         There you'd discover the mentality of our idled younger generation of high-born, all painted up and making witty comments about their equally idle compatriots."


         "This won't be such a formal occasion, Lynna." Muk-riss scolded. "This will be merely an interesting social interrogation. Only my beloved lady consort and the Senior Lord Auditor will be present.


         I'm afraid Walter will need another occasion to socialize with our idled new generation. He may even find their conversations fascinating, I know they do!"


         Walter said nothing strolling inside the lobby, he noticed its impressionist style of mountain art. Holograms of laser generated imagery depicting fleeting vistas, their walkway illuminated by dimensional patterns of rocky slopes, very realistic looking images of trees and brush greenery with valley streams and far off canyons gleaming in the distance.


         There was even an actual fountain with water trickling down, it was the type of apartment building you'd expect a person of status to call home.


         At first glance Walter noticed a certain military theme while entering the Lord Commander's luxurious residence. It was about what one would expect a senior Hurrion military commander's home to be. It had fresco brick wall sides

 peaking upward as if inside a tent, there were tanned pelts of animal skins as tapestries on the wall.


         Walter imagined it looked like the decor inside a Mongol tent in the time of Genghis Khan. Muk-riss muttered formalities as introduction while escorting guests inside his home. His lady consort regarded Walter as an owl might regard the Easter Bunny.


         "Kiss her hand, Walter." Lynna cued. "And give her a ritual slight bow as orientals perform on your planet. That's all the etiquette these informal gatherings require."


         Mar-Lu, the Lord Commander's wife, but officially titled Lady Consort was unexpectedly delighted seeing such an exotic guest, not really expecting a human being to use the proper decorum. She was tall and thin, most beautiful in the Hurrion standard.


         Her well groomed fashionable lizard skin oiled smoothly as the finest leathers you'd see on earth. Jeweled head bands bound her feathered crest in the manner of human hair, she wore layers of silky dress with slits to occasionally show leg.


         "Perhaps we may dispense with formalities." The other party guest suggested, "You may call me by my title, the Lord Auditor. I understand my proper name is most difficult for the human larynx to pronounce."


         He gave Walter a smile with shark's teeth grin, looking somewhat older in his imposing lizard squared face and prominent high-born style cheek bones. He also carried a ceremonial dagger with inlay jewels, a circular decal tatoo on the side of his neck denoted his rank and clan.


         His clothing consisted of calf skin tunic and shiny black boots tucked into his trousers.


         "If I must call you Senior Lord Auditor - You must address me as esteemed Lord Commander!" Muk-riss teased his drinking companion. "As you wish, my Lord." The Auditor joked, helping himself to his host's alcoholic refreshments.


         The Hurrion Lord Auditor chose a spice wine flask while adjusting the military standard transponder. He also adjusted a transponder for the hostess, Mar-Lu. Being not well versed in human language, the two needed such devices to better communicate with their human guest.


         Walter and Lynna sat down together as Mar-Lu offered them liquid refreshments.


         "Yours seem to be a most protected species." The Lord Auditor remarked. "By now our entire race is familiar with your cinema and art, but tourist travel to your home planet is most completely restricted. Even travel for our most esteemed and honored noble born citizens is denied to us."


         "I am quite aware of this unfortunate reality." Walter admitted while Lynna looked upon him in silent but stern manner, an obvious signal from her not to speak too openly and frank. "If it's any consolation to our most noble lord," Walter admitted diplomatically. "Travel to my home planet is restricted for me and my fellow humans as well."


         "It is not our station in life to question matters of higher military authority." The Lord Auditor admitted. "From what I understand, civilian travel to the Florion star system is under restriction as well.


         The official authority on these matters claim these areas are wild and not suitable for casual visitors, therefore the restrictions exist merely to guarantee our safety. I have other suspicions on the matter but it is not proper for me to

speak about topics I know little about."


         "Try some of our narcola drinks, Walter." Muk-riss suggested, a most subtle signal from the Lord Commander to shift the topic of discussion, a subject of discussion not as sensitive to his military occupation concerns.


         "I don't imagine you've had occasion to sample some of our finest Hurrion beverages before. These forms of strong drink are always best when used in moderation, of course."


         "On your planet such a drink would be considered an illegal drug." Lynna warned.


         "At least taste it." Mar-lu advised, serving up a small glass as her mate, the Lord Commander suggested.


         "On Islamia/earth even the tasting of wine has become illegal everywhere." Muk-riss sneered. "The ruling mullahs always make a big fuss about the sinful drinking on your planet. Yet I understand those Islamic prohibitions have been widely disregarded by your ordinary masses."


         "As always." Walter agreed, tasting Hurrion narcola for the first time. He decided it tasted like peach juice, but excessively sweet. The effect seemed akin to codeine cough syrup on earth.


         "In my homeland, prohibitions against the use of drugs and alcohol have always resulted in ridiculous failure. It only invited those who craved the effects to seek organized criminals for their supply. The supplies were never halted

completely or even greatly restricted, of course.


         Nobody was ever able to repeal the basic principles of economics such as supply and demand. Still governments on earth everywhere kept persisting in their lunacy."


         "Our Sovereign Lords are much more sensible in these matters." The Lord Auditor noted. "They are intelligent enough to realize drugs and alcohol are basically tools of the state. Not only does the forces of government reap considerable financial gain from their sales, they also reap the added benefit of social control.


         If our ordinary masses pursue their escape from reality in dulled neuro- transmitters - they'd have little desire nor ability left for social agitation." "Our history is quite different than yours."


         Lynna agreed. "We've learned to appreciate the psychotropic compounds such as drugs and alcohol. Those have often helped our long ago ancestors survive by providing brain stimulation during uncertain times. As a brain food, these didn't decay or spoil in times of famine or refugee travel when other foodstuffs didn't last."


         "Humans need to escape their realities through mystical illusion."  Muk-riss commented acidly. "Humans have never accepted basic concepts such ascertain death - so they turned to spiritual advisors to comfort their minds with myth. That is how the priests and ayatollahs came to invent the concept of eternal life, this life followed by a next."


         "As descendants of lizards instead of monkeys." The Hurrion Auditor opined. "We have little primate need for superstition and deism. We actually understand our fate is to die - never to be reborn.


         We've always known thunder without thunder gods, our race has seldom suffered under the belief of ugly elusive spirits. No taboos or so-called holy books are taken seriously, our masses don't believe the ravings of religous gurus who care to frighten us and limit their lives."


         "Perhaps Walter would enjoy seeing the rest of our home." Mar-lu suggested, the lady consort nudging her husband, the Lord Commander for agreement.


         "I've never been shown the home of an esteemed Lord Commander before." Lynna mused, almost inviting herself along for the tour.


         "Then go." Muk-riss urged. "Me and the Lord Auditor will drink here and await. I'm afraid my beloved mate has never entertained an actual human before and is eager to play hostess."


         Walter was pleasantly surprised seeing their home filled with books while Mar-lu escorted him and Lynna room to room. The lady consort admitted reading was her pastime while the Lord Commander was away. It seemed an exotic

hobby to her noble born peers, she remarked.


         She also explained Hurrion furniture was basic, their beds comparable to oriental futons, a thin mattress

  on a sturdy portable cot.


         Walter was surprised to learn most Hurrion homes contained more recliners than chairs. Reclining sofas built for one, designed to entertain guests on social visits or more formal occasions.


         Hurrion guests would lie on such traditional furniture in the manner of ancient Romans, bio-bots serving them food and drink in a most decadent style. Many of their formal gatherings would last far into the night.


         "I find such affairs absolutely dreadful." Mar-lu confided, complaining about female high-born peers. Lynna agreed, saying she too often was forced to attend such gatherings, quite necessary for lower born individuals seeking career advancement.


         Walter had little choice but to listen, their long suffering female ears enduring constant blasé' trivia. Idle rich noble ladies speaking about clothes and shopping, their endless gossip about equally idle and noble born so called ladies of quality.


         It seemed a constant litany of mis- managed lives and those dysfunctional families involved according to them.


         "And the men are hardly better." Both ladies agreed. "Most seemed too much absorbed in their meaningless spectator sports. All we seem to get out of them is hearing juvenile minds believe the very universe revolved around other people's games and the wagers they made."


         "Perhaps these will remind you of home." Mar-lu remarked, opening up another room in her home for display. It was filled with ornate stained glass windows, narrow windows of mosaic glass along with displays of other human religious art in prismatic light.


         "From infidel churches." Lynna explained. "Once I learned fine artwork of this quality was being destroyed in the wake of mass Islamic conversion I knew that I needed to act.


         We arranged with most Islamic clerics to amass those treasures they'd already condemned; Afterwards our awaiting starships beamed them up for transport to our planet to be newly appreciated."


         "No wonder our most sovereign lords decided on you as our new Minister of Historical Culture" Mar-lu said in compliment.


         "She is much more capable in service to your empire than almost everyone realizes." Walter remarked with awe and sarcasm. Looking upon Buddhist statues and Hindu paintings, the creative religious art from at least a dozen faiths taken in as booty.


         Harvested in the aftermath of the greatest victory ever in cunning psychological warfare; human centuries of creative

  religious culture being reborn as popular alien home décor.


         "Did you enjoy touring our little home museum of infidel religious artifacts?" Muk-riss asked in sarcastic alcoholic cups of cheer. "Like much of our misinformed citizenry, my beloved mate considers the display of primate

  deity symbols the ultimate in good taste."


         "But a most profitable form of investment these days." The Lord Auditor noted. "As Hurrions, we have always regarded the intellectual property of our vanquished as legitimate fruit of our military conquests. The display of human religious art in the homes of our citizenry has become rather fashionable these days.


         Quite a nice windfall for government coffers as well, I may add. Most examples of this art are still in high demand. It is the Islamic art, however, which fetch the highest prices."


         "I don't believe we have an example of that in our collection, my dear." Mar-lu purred up to her husband wondering.


         "If not, I will arrange some for your delivery." Muk-riss promised.


         "Very few examples of genuine Islamic art exist." Lynna explained. "Traditional Islam considered the use of paintings and statues in their houses of worship a form of idolatry. As blasphemy and abomination against their faith to many, few examples of representational Muslim art can be found in history.


         As the universal religion on earth triumphant, victorious Islam condemned those artifacts of their defeated faiths to certain destruction. We chose to save those historic treasures and bring them here to our empire. That is why the infidel creations are on sale in comparison."


         "Still, I will gather some Islamic art for your collection, my dear." The Lord Commander reassured his wife. "If a commander of forces is unable to gather mere pieces of art in his own arena of responsibility - he is most unworthy of his status. That I assure you."


         “Surely those bat-winged demonic/airplane icons must be available." The Hurrion Auditor remarked. "I remember seeing some program from your own Ministry of Historical Culture, Lynna. Those sponsored shows implied as much."


         "Of course," Lynna agreed. "The bat-winged icons are most certainly available. In fact, our Ministry is finalizing plans to manufacture replicas of those as our example of new-age Islamic art. In this manner we can make the cost such creations quite affordable to the ordinary masses."


         "Such commercial enterprises your ministry is about to begin will prove the death of true art." The Lord Auditor lamented.


         "Enough already about this obsession for the deity trinkets of superstitious primates!" Muk-riss ranted in his alcoholic cups annoyed. "If it was up to me, the artifacts of those trained apes would have been destroyed and buried - along with the discredited faiths that inspired them!"


         "How soon they forget." Lynna chided, "Those deity trinkets', as our Lord Commander described, have earned us warriors a most splendid pay- day. All those involved in the recent Islamia campaign have profited remarkably well, of course, most notably those with the responsibility of command."


         "As participants in successful conquest." The Hurrion Auditor agreed. "You and Muk-riss have reaped legal benefit from our most traditional form of military compensation."


         "Your warriors actually reap financial gain from their conquests?" Walter remarked in disbelief. "Will there be anymore payoffs for your troops now that your empire has converted centuries of human art history into cash?


         Earth still has minerals in abundance, I understand. Maybe some gold or silver could finance your next military payroll, is that the point of Hurrion imperialism?"


         "The use of minerals such as gold for money is hardly the mark of civilized creatures, Walter." Lynna mused, "in fact we find it a most curious idea. I'm aware human culture regards rewarding warriors for the sale of captured booty a form of barbarism.


         Our custom is mostly a curious, seldom used tradition left over from our so-called 'heroic age.' Until the conquest

  of your planet, such payoffs were rare and of little consequence."


         "The use of money itself is a rather strange idea." The Lord Auditor mused. "For money's value depends mostly on a shared delusion - and the shared delusion of its value must be believed by most for its value to work."


         "Our warriors were only rewarded for their conquests after the cost of the war itself was deducted in the final accounting." The Lord Commander explained. "In historic terms the rewards were usually of token amount, more often a recognition of service than a road to wealth.


         In the recent Islamia campaign, the cost of the war was minimal, there was little actual fighting. None of the troops involved could have foreseen any windfall profit, we actually steeled ourselves for a spirited fight."



         "If it's any consolation, Walter." Lynna added, "Our official jackpot has ran its course. According to our laws, once an individual has received certain promotion, his or her claim to the proceeds has expired."


         "None of you have yet answered our human guest's other question." Mar-lu teased drinking happily. "His question about the purpose of Hurrion imperialism. I am most curious about that question myself, nobody seems to ask such meaningful questions in our social circle."


          "Hurrion imperialism is a rather difficult concept to explain to a human, Walter." The Lord Commander pondered. "Although we resemble humans in many respects, acquisitive, aggressive and instinctively vicious - our reasons for expansion are not motivated by pure economics.


         We have ample territory of our own star-system we've yet to exploit. We have no real economic need to control other worlds."


         "Then why have you seized the Florion star system, began setting up outposts in the earth's solar system and have become overlords of the earth itself?"


         "There are many reasons for this, but I'll name a few. We strive to make everything around us similar to ourselves. Our Sovereign Lords wish to absorb any base for unwelcome comparisons and manage all outside influences.


         Our very culture seems quite concerned about being exposed and criticized – especially in the ways our leadership does things. Our esteemed rulers have an aversion for certain facts becoming leaked out, information which can be used

by dissidents in their crusade for reform."


         "Our Sovereign Lords would much rather institute those needed reforms from above without another culture being used a basis for intellectual competition." Lynna noted.


         "Even now our Sovereign Lords fear your own human culture." The Hurrion Auditor revealed. "It seems to be the basis for a dissident movement among our own youth. They fear this new generation becoming enamored and decadent from the influence of primate studies."


         "I've noticed such lost young souls while back in the capital." Muk-riss agreed. "Our youth seem to enjoy fashioning replicas of human religious artifacts and wearing it as jewelry. Like all youth, they firmly believe they are the first generation to become disillusioned.


         By feeling confined into the mental slavery they see in our society, they choose rebellion, adapting any lifestyle disapproved by their elders."


         "Human youth have often behaved in that manner." Walter said. "So your reasons for empire revolve around ideology?"


         “Our ideology of noble class structured socialism would feel more secure without another world being used as competition." Lynna conceded, "but our aims are more complex."


         "Not exactly complex." The Lord Commander opined. "Our ideology is merely a vehicle for the real business of coercion and seizure. When we confiscate something for our own use, such as intellectual property, some of

our noble born elite are involved in the process.


         They enjoy such duty as part of their high status position in life, a most traditional route upwards to power for us. Since so many become selected to higher position in this manner, we ourselves stimulate the idea of imperialism."


         "So what's so difficult for a human being to understand about THAT?" Walter argued. "It's the exact colonial mentality that's expanded nations and empires across the earth for too many centuries. It's just the naked ambition

to become somebody's master."


         "My my.." Mar-lu enthused, saying to her mate, the Lord Commander. "Thank you, my dear. For you've done so much to arrange this wonderful group discussion in our home. I've never heard such interesting conversation before."


         Muk-riss smiled as his wife brought out snacks for their guests. He explained that his wife often sought escape from boredom while he was away by reading. Mar-lu craved intelligent communication; "she considers it like being able to breathe.


         That woman has wide interests for such a noble born younger lady, she always tries to understand the nature of things." Muk-riss told of seeing the world through new eyes under her influence, enjoying her young freshness and energy.


         It was as if she saved him from an intellectual sleep, by breathing new fire and curiosity inside him.


         "They say when the time is right to find someone." Lynna added. "No Lords need to meet in committee and decide the matter.”

         Walter examined the snack tray out of curiosity, there were pieces of pork sculpted into flowers, and vegetables cut to resemble Hurrion silver beetles and pieces of fruit cut to look like jewels.


         "Enjoy Walter, I've made inquiries as to which food items a human being would enjoy. Although cat meat is an expensive delicacy, and the meat from rodents and dogs are popular among our people - I've refrained from including those items on this evening's menu."


         "I had no idea." Walter admitted, sampling several items in an effort not to appear rude to the hostess. "I had no idea cats and dogs were available at all on your star system."


         He explained about making a request for animals such as cats and dogs for his scientific staff for pets. He believed it would provide a diversion for working humans cloistered inside the confines of an orbital laboratory.


         "We've made certain inquiries through official channels, but none have been replied to for months." He complained to Lynna.


         "And that is a custom on your planet? The Hurrion Auditor wondered, telling of tree frogs being kept as pets in certain lowborn households. Orange tree frogs were kept as singing canaries; it was an old custom among certain clans.


         He also mentioned certain animals originating from earth being used to revitalize Hurrion agriculture. Plantations had been constructed inside their own star system to supply demand for an ever- expanding saurian diet, dogs, rodents and pigs, with cat meat becoming marketed as an especially favored delicacy.


         "But I fail to understand the logic of human pets," he remarked.


         "Logic was never designed to understand human pets." Walter laughed in his cups of beer. "You Hurrions are always trying to use logic for purposes it was never designed to explain."


         "Cats have no logical purpose." Lynna argued, "not for most people. But Walter, if you wish to include cats and dogs as pets for your able fellow scientists, we will indulge those human needs."


         "Thank you." Walter cheered, explaining the purpose of cats was to be indulged. "That is their function, some humans would say. To receive the love and devotion some people never gave their parents.


         Some psychological studies have concluded such things; our pets serve as substitute and mostly undemanding family members. Dogs, some would say, exist as substitute children. They give human beings the love and affection their real off-

spring never gave them."


         "Nobody has ever explained such things as well to us before." Lynna remarked. "Walter, I believe your talents belong in higher administration. Perhaps your considerable insight can be of some use in our Colonial Affairs Ministry here in the capital."